Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The gene pool is winning, and the herd is thinning.

     Today, I noticed our psychology class was a couple of quarts low. In fact, all of my classroom were more on the half-full cell side. Maybe overcrowded institutions eventually correct themselves? Or you just switch from one institution to another? I do wonder what the biscuits and gravy would be like in the St. Louis County Jail... hmmm? All the same, it's a little easier to maneuver through the usual suspects in the hallways.
     Our Comp II class had to turn in our reflective essays today. Our professor read several, and halfway through reading mine, managed to flip out on student for screwing around with her cell phone. I mean fa-lipped out all Strother Martin (the Captain character from Cool Hand Luke) style, by marking her absent, calling her rude, and made her spend a night the box. Man, I liked my professor before, but I love her now. No way I want to piss her off though. I've seen what happens when we have failure to communicate.

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