Thursday, September 16, 2010

Off with their bobble-heads!

     I am a horrible excuse for a human being. Today, I maniacally laughed at a car accident. We are talking almost to the point of vomit, too. Admittedly, I tried hard not to laugh, which then only brought on the more unhinged and repressive laughter. Tears were rolling down my face, and I almost self-asphyxiated on my saliva. It was just that frenzied.
     This morning, while driving on Kingshighway to reform school, I ended up behind a sslllooowww moving Buick. The fifty-something-year-old lady was turtling up the overpass, and I was just about to self-detonate trying to pass around her.  I finally got on the right side of her, just in time to watch her get rear-ended by a Jeep as we descended to the stop light at the bottom of the hill. She herself, managed to only bounce forward a little in her seat. However, her fifteen toy bobble-head chihuahuas were violently thrown against the back seat, and the windshield of her car. These are the same little devil dogs that were earlier taunting and jeering at me, when I was getting steaming mad stuck behind her snail of a Buick. Now they were all dead on the floorboards of the car.
     I guess it's one of those things you really have to witness for yourself to understand the rocket like distance these dogs were launched, bobbly heads and all. Compound this with the shock and awe of hearing the cars collide, and the realization that I sort of dodged a bullet, or plastic canine at least, on that one. Once I got to the campus parking lot, the absurdity of it all really set it on me. I sat in my car, and try to explain to my step-mom over the phone, that I was not in any physical or mental suffering, but merely just cracking up at a car accident.
     So the whole point of this, is that I'm really learning from my Psychology course. My sympathetic nervous system was in full swing and shock by the impact of the cars, and my parasympathetic nervous system was quick with a chaser of laughter to calm me down. I do regret now laughing and carrying on, and especially not stopping to help, but I didn't want to miss my 8am Psych test. I know I did not miss any questions pertaining to the Peripheral Nervous System today. Take that Taco Dogs!

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